Music for bedtime with little people (or weary parents)
I have always loved music, and my kids are no different. I'm also a big fan of guided relaxation audio recordings. When my children were young and struggled to calm down for sleeping, I found gentle music or meditations were so helpful. You'll probably do the usual routine of having a soothing bath, snuggling with a story, and getting comfortable in bed, but if sleep still eludes your child you could try some of my favourites listed here - bear in mind they are my choice (you may have different tastes) and my son is practically teenage so they're not very new!
Bedtime Meditation for Kids (Calm Kids), by Christiane Kerr - any of these Calm Kids titles are worth trying, Christiane's voice is soothing and she's a highly experienced yoga teacher.
Lullaby, by Sophie Barker and KK - just beautiful, very calming.
Lullabies, by Ansty Cowfold - classic covers creatively produced.
Guided meditation apps, like Calm or Headspace (who have specific scripts for kids to follow), would probably suit kids 5+
Sleep well my friends!