I'm fundraising for Young Epilepsy

My long walk!
On 30th April Caroline and I will walk continuously round the Isle of Wight. We've put in so many hours training, worked on our minds, strengthened our bodies and we have one goal - to raise lots of funds for our charity Epilepsy Action. Caroline's daughter (my god daughter) has epilepsy, and I've seen how complicated it makes life for those with the condition and their families. Please help us if you can! Take a look at our fundraising page, anything you can give will mean the world to us - it will help us get round!
I've spent a LOT of time walking alone! It's been a profound opportunity to practice yoga, when you're walking solo for 10 hours, you certainly see your ‘stuff’. I've learned to pounce on any negative thoughts as they creep in before they snowball (often when tired or bored). I've mostly loved it, and learned so much. Feeling the growing strength of my body, understanding how I can improve my physical walking technique, allowing creative thoughts to flow, feeling connected to nature, and discovering beautiful new landscapes. I can't wait to share some of the goodness with you, I will run some walk-well workshops very soon.
Here's our Just Giving page - please support us if you can xx